just at the verge of getting ready for the Shanes Castle event we have a huge mail-volume here. Many of your questions and requests will be dealt with in the new “FLAX MILL NEWS” which is going out in German tomorrow and in English on Tuesday the 7th of May.
Here are a few quick bullet points – many of you will be at Shanes Castle and we can chat details there.
– The (ever alert) County Derry Post is carrying a feature in this week’s edition (out yesterday) about our involvement with “Game of Thrones” and our common initiative with the makers to reduce global warming.
Good reading, I know many of you have already done so (the responses are here….). Anyone who hasn’t – get the Post before it’s sold out (in Dungiven it is) or give us a ring and we’ll try and get one over to Shanes Castle for you.
– There have been questions regarding my presence at the ICTU May Day Rally on Saturday, some people seem to think because we are demonstrating at Shanes Castle, I won’t be there.
Of course I will be! The rally starts at 11 am at the arts college and I will be there, most likely selling a good paper! You’ll find me!
-We just got confirmation that the incredible singer SAL HANVEY will be performing at the 26th Yard Fest on September 14th 2019.
All details on that and more when we meet up and when FLAX MILL NEWS goes out next week.
Speak to you soon
love over gold,
any more orders to be brought to Shanes Castle, please ring us rather than e-mail, our presence at the computer will be patchy from now on